Generate a Visa Card

Generate a Card


Generate a Card


Request Body

Request Body

This endpoint expects two parameters:

  • usd_amount; which is the balance you want to add to your card,

  • currency; which is the cryptocurrency you want to pay your card with

USD amount must be an integer between 50 and 750.

Payload Example

    "usd_amount": 100,
    "currency": "monero"


Response Example

    "uuid": "fde4e22e-b083-4628-a558-f0a7136b19ba",
    "created_at": "2023-11-05T22:29:20.931Z",
    "status": "awaiting_payment",
    "usd_amount": 100,
    "payment": {
        "currency": "monero",
        "amount": "0.9723196800000001",
        "address": "87N33H9KBfqT4YAFWDAnf39t3ot1Jd7jTDi3U8zF5ZKEYKLKzgb93NrWbtrxzgyfeY6N2M2CUFoF59HMpeAcNXrgTLw2gtj"
    "credentials": {
        "card_number": null,
        "expiration_date": null,
        "security_code": null,
        "url": null,
        "url_password": null

At this point, your request has been saved. All that is remaining is you sending the actual funds to the wallet. The exact amount and recipient address are part of the response body, under the "payment" namespace.

Once your payment is confirmed on the blockchain, our system will automatically detect it, and your card will be generated. To retrieve the card's details, you have 2 solutions:

  • you can set a webhook so you get notified in real time; our system will issue a POST request to the URL of your liking,

  • and/or you can query the card's endpoint to check the card's status.

Card Statuses

  • awaiting_payment; this is the default status for all cards. This means the funds have not been sent to the blockchain yet,

  • generated; this means your blockchain transaction has been detected, and as a result, our system has generated the card for you

Last updated