Get Notified of a Card Creation

Using HTTP webhooks

If you want to be notified in near real-time of your card's creation, you can opt to add a webhook to your settings (from your API portal) and specify a URL that our system should call whenever your cards are ready.

Request Example

All webhook requests will have 2 properties:

  • card_uuid; to help you detect which card has had its status updated

  • status; the new status of the card (most likely going to be 'created')

    "card_uuid": "758c2434-7a3e-4e68-939b-691216962bca",

What to do with this?

What you want to do after receiving a webhook request, you want to return a 200 response first, to tell our system that you got the information correctly.

Secondly, you'll want to query the card's individual endpoint to fetch the actual card details.


Replace `uuid` with the actual uuid you got from the webhook request payload.

Last updated